5 Things You Should Love About Your Home Before You Commit

5 Things You Should Love About Your Home Before You Commit

Commitment is a serious thing and making one should always be the last step on a long decision-making journey.

House selection is a grave decision, but, as always with shopping, emotion can easily rush things and urge you to commit before ascertaining a property’s real value.

So, a few sobering reminders are just what you need, don’t you think? Here are five things you should love about your home before getting committed. Think of it as the ultimate checking list before making an offer or even putting your signature on the paperwork.  

home space
1. Size and Spaces
Your new home should be tailored to your family’s needs; there is no room for compromises here. Both its interior and exterior spaces should cater to kids and pets and car and hobbies and profession and so forth. So, before signing any offers or documents, ask yourself: Is it enough to house my life, not just for the time being, but for the years to come? Unfortunately, more than often, we see buyers willing to get something a lot smaller than they need just because they love the location. Soon, though, they outgrow it and are forced to sale - time and again at prices lower than they bought.

There is another trap you wish to avoid here too.  Considering their plans, buyers are sometimes enticed to get a bigger house than they need, burdening themselves with unnecessary bills, unused furniture and maintenance expenses.

2. Moving around…. and Getting Back!

Here is another important factor – making sure your new house simplifies your everyday life and makes moving around easy and as economical as possible. Buying the house of your dreams but getting stuck in the car for endless hours or spending large sums in gas or transportation tokens will quickly turn your enthusiasm into hate. 

3. Again… Moving Around – on Foot this Time


A similar point but of a slightly different nature. Being able to walk around the neighbourhood to do your petty shopping, getting the kids to school, reaching the pharmacy or the nearest super market without having to use the car is of the essence, so make sure you get it with your new home.

4. Is the Neighbourhood Equally Good?

Houses do not just hang above the ground you know. Even if the property itself is perfect for your whims and fancies, you must make sure the neighbourhood meets your needs and those of your family. For example, if you wish to find the haven of relaxation you covet after your retirement, buying a house by a school would scarcely do. Having kids though that need to go to school every day, would make the same neighbourhood just perfect.  

5. Means of Transportation  

This last one is even more important if your profession or other circumstances force you to travel frequently. Having the airport, public transportation and main highways around the corner will prove more than handy, especially if you consider moving to an island like Cyprus.

Having already something in mind or do you need some suggestions on prime locations across CyprusContact us and find your new home now!