Selling Property? Here’s What to Ask your Estate Agent

Selling Property? Here’s What to Ask your Estate Agent

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After considerable thought, you finally reached the decision to sell your property in Cyprus. You know it has some minor problems, but it is certainly in great condition and is offered at an even greater price, but several months later and no serious buyers came up, despite having assigned the sale to an Estate agent. Started worrying? Here is what you need to ask your agent in order to realize what exactly is happening:


  1. “What kind of persons and entities have received our brochure?”
  2. “In which line of work or industry are they active?”
  3. “How many of them inquired further, asking for certain details about the property?”
  4. “How many of them have sent an email?”
  5. “How did we respond and how quickly?”
  6. “How many of our brochures are printed by, and how many do you intend to print in total?” Be aware of real estate agents that go cheap and stop reprinting the brochure when the first batch run out and prefer using their office printer!
  7. “Show me please (never fail to be polite!) our Performance Report and your corresponding analysis.” Almost any real estate agent in Cyprus will be able to present you one, but is he or she able to give you a profound and comprehensive analysis based on it? If you find out he or she cannot do not hesitate to ask our help; Sweet Home Estates has the experience necessary to understand how are things going and what you need to know.
  8. “Could you change our central image and check whether it works better or worse?” In several cases where a nice property seems to be overlooked, the main photo is the culprit. Still, this can prove helpful only when you have certain measurable data to check which one resonates better. If your statistics remain low, keep trying with another photo, until you get the click-through rate you deem proper. Quite often, new images boost the property’s rate (even temporarily), so keep replacing it can do no harm – provided the shots be of high-quality.
  9. “What did most of our viewers eventually buy?” This question is of the essence, for it reveals whether your agent tried to keep in touch with the most important viewers, get feedback and find out what won their heart at the end of the day. Such information can help you create certain buyer personas that seem to be most interested in properties like yours and then target such groups of people more diligently. Also, it can help you understand what dissuades them from choosing your property and possibly make some adjustments to the price or other features of the property.
  10. “How are things with other properties like similar to mine? Which is attracting most of the interested buyers out there, and which don’t?  Which properties dropped down their prices, and did that help? Which of them are currently on offer and how much time have they remained on sale?” If you discover that all other similar properties enjoy lots of viewings while yours remains without any aspirants, demand to know why!
  11. “Do you believe we can improve our marketing? How exactly?” Lay as more emphasis as possible on your online presence. Check it as a buyer, not as a seller and ask yourself: “What is wrong in the whole picture?” Find it and rectify it.
  12. “Why do you think my property has not been sold yet? Is it the price or something else?”
  13. “Can you suggest any constructive ways to win more viewers?”


While making these questions keep a friendly, personal tone in your voice (even if you are a bit angry or frustrated with some of the answers!). It is vital to make your agent feel comfortable to give you honest answers, not just tickle your ears.

If you do that and still do not feel satisfied with the way he or she is handling your case, then do not waste any more time. Sweet Home Estates can help you discern possible weak points, fix them and sell your property at a fair price. 

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