Come 9 Steps Closer to Your Dream Home

Come 9 Steps Closer to Your Dream Home

come 9 steps closer to your dream home inner

Dream Home” – an expression so common to all but, at the same time, unique. One’s dream may be another’s nightmare and vice-versa, but surely all of us dream of a haven tailored to our needs, wishes, and fancies.

If you think this dream is within reach, then take the following 10 steps. They will get you closer to your dream home and make sure it proves just that.


1. Make a List of the “Must-Have” & “Nice-to-Have” Features

What’s special in a “dream home” is that it satisfies much more than your needs; it fulfills your wishes and inner desires. So, to find it and buy it, fist make a list of the features you want it to have.

Divide your list into 2 columns. The “Must-Have” and “Nice-to-Have” features – that is the features that you want your house to have and others that would be nice but are not so important, or can be even added by you later.


2. Check the Region & Neighborhood

There are cases when a “dream house” transforms into a living nightmare for its residents because of its surroundings. A problematic neighborhood, a noisy factory, or the lack of amenities can prove so disastrous that you just cannot afford to leave them out of the picture when considering your option.

So, devote some time to research the area. Talk to locals and spend some time there – a few days if possible, or even more. Try the local cuisine, visit the nearest supermarket, note all the pros and cons.

check the region and neighborhood

3. Check the Lot’s Location & Size

While almost everything can be modified or replaced in a house, the lot within which it lies admits no “rectifications” at all.

Hence, during your research, lay emphasis on each lot’s location and size. Make sure you have ample space for all the outdoor facilities you wish to add later, parking for your car, a kid’s playground, a small garden, etc.


4. Verify its Construction Year

Don’t rush into thinking that older houses are automatically bad choices. In fact, both old and new ones have their advantages and disadvantages; what’s important is to verify the home’s age and see whether its pros are greater than its cons. The first step you took, will help you filter out most of your options: if for example, a “must-have” feature of your dream house is a sauna or a state-of-the-art and fully equipped kitchen, it bullies all old-timers out of the picture. Similar “ifs” are innumerable; the point is that verifying the property’s age is a significant step towards finding your future “dream-home.”


5. Define Your “Dream-Home’s” Style

Your “dream-home” should unequivocally breathe the aesthetics and style that best externalizes your character and penchants.

If you have difficulties defining which style best suits you, surf the internet and check all sorts of houses; monitor your gut reactions to anything you see. Eventually, you will be able to define your personal style.


6. Check Whether it is Roomy Enough

Again, it is the first step that will make things easier for you when it comes to inner spaces. Another useful tip is to check your current house’s space and see how does it feel: a bit crampy, or immense and difficult to tidy up, or even just ideal? Whatever the case, you can use it as a benchmark during your search.

check whether it is roomy enough

7. Now Check the Interior’s Layout

You can find 2 houses of the same number of square meters and yet smack an entirely different… air. How much of the space is dedicated to the bathroom, the lounge, the kitchen, the bedrooms? Which of this room is more important to you? Understanding the interior’s basic structure and whether it suits the way you want to use them is critical to a successful selection.


8. Evaluate the House’s Potential

Even if everything about it seemed ideal and tailored to your wishes, your dream home will need to be modified a bit – fully personalized to your vision. So, try to evaluate the customization required for each of the properties that caught your eye and try to be honest with yourself regarding how much of the work involved will you be able to handle. If the level of modification exceeds your skill and willingness, then check whether you can afford to have others do it for you.


9. Carefully Estimate the Costs

Sadly, this is the step that could ruin everything if you don’t make it properly. Failing to calculate the costs can turn your “dream home” into a load of debt and constant worry.

So, measure your strength carefully and never try to stretch your budget. Bear also in mind that costs always somehow exceed our initial estimations and plans, so be conservative and realistic. Moreover, it’s not just the price of buying the property and modification and repairs costs; you should also weigh the monthly costs of staying in this house and preserving it in good condition.



Everyone deserves to realize the dream of having his or her home tailored to his or her lives and character. Sweet Home Estates has helped thousands of people do just that. If you want to become one of them, don’t hesitate to contact us.   

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